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Writing a book

So I started writing a memoir, but decided I am going to make a fictional biography where it is loosely based on my life with chronic pain. I think it will be more fun and open my thoughts and imagination. I need to get my brain moving more again.

Oh and I decided to get bariatric weight lose surgery. No thyroid or girlie parts to help manage my weight...its been extremely hard.

Oh and I got covid in January and now I have labyrinthitis. I cant walk on my own. Getting better. Inner ear issues suck. I cant drive either. I feel like a baby learning to walk. Lol. It's getting better but still needing my mother to come help me to my doc appts. Taking me to the ER to get checked and steroid shots. She's been a real hero for me lately. Thank you mom. The kids have been helping me walk around too. It's cute and sweet to see raelynn holding my hands and guiding me as if she could help me from falling. I would squish her. Lol.

I just took my 3rd day of steroids and it's almost midnight. I dont know why I put it in my PM medications. Augh. Hoping my other meds counter it and I get some sleep. It also didnt help I didnt realize I took the steroids until after I swelled them. Lol. Augh!!!

Still waiting on my backpay and official documents for ssdi. I was told mid March would be the latest.

It's been hard. The major depression is no joke. I try to pretend and fake smile. But it doesnt help a lot of the time. With chronic pain I just dont know what to do anymore. My psych wants to start me on viibryd but my insurance doesnt want to cover it. So going the assistance route with the viibryd company. I hate pharmaceutical companies. Hundreds to thousands of dollars for medications. So not cool.

Gonna try to sleep.

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